Thursday, February 2, 2012

Recently I have been working on making my own stencils, first creating a drawing using sharpie and then tracing and cutting out the stencil with an X-acto knife, then using spray paint to create a graffiti-inspired image. Statement #1: I plan on continuing to experiment with stencil making and spray paint, and can ideally move on to more detailed images on a larger scale for a street-art effect (maybe inspired by Banksy). I hope to be able to work on portraits in addition to silhouettes and incorporate other techniques into this. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

 This portrait was done off of the back of a magazine cover and was a photo of Zooey Deschanel. I drew this in graphite pencil just for fun and to practice drawing portraits more, though I still don't think it looks exactly like her as some of her proportions are slightly off.