Friday, January 13, 2012

 This portrait was done off of the back of a magazine cover and was a photo of Zooey Deschanel. I drew this in graphite pencil just for fun and to practice drawing portraits more, though I still don't think it looks exactly like her as some of her proportions are slightly off.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

This two page sketchbook spread is still a work in progress. The silhouettes are done from imagination in sharpie, and are intended to be used later on for stenciling with spray paint. The sketch in the bottom left hand corner was done based off of a photo from the New York trip we went on with NAHS earlier this year, and was taken in an exhibit in MOMA. The skyline on the right page is the Baltimore Inner Harbor skyline, and might be an idea for a tattoo in a few years. All of the parts of this spread are influential to me and parts of my life, though it is incomplete. 
This oil painting is of a pair of deer antlers on a white fabric background. I primed the canvas with blue paint and sketched the antlers first, then painted the background. By the time I was finished with the almost desert-like folds of the fabric, I liked how the blue antlers looked in contrast so much that I left them that way.

This charcoal drawing was intended to be a self portrait, but I don't think it ended up looking like me. The dramatic shadows are almost too intense for how I look in real life. Nonetheless, I am happy with how the piece turned out.
This piece was based on a cell phone picture taken coming down route 22 past school one evening. I used chalk pastels on black paper. The piece has a clear vanishing point of the road, marked by the shrinking tail lights of the cars. I'm thinking of doing something along the lines of this for my concentration next year, emphasizing the beauty of the roadtrip and driving.